Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I gave up

I gave up on NaNoWrimo. I wrote about 2,400 words in the first day and it pretty much bottomed out from there. Better than nothing. Between the election, sickness, and school, well, it was just too much.

I want to try to update this more regularly. I've been trying to keep up the blog on Myspace which and that hasn't flown so well either.

In academic news, I've finally encountered Paradise Lost. It was something that had to happen eventually, like some sort of big awkward meeting that you want to avoid. It's pretty interesting stuff, but I must admit I've had much more than my regular dose of poetry and plays this semester. Maybe the "older" stuff will grow on me, but I'm still wary of it at this point. Right now I'm just anxious to get take some classes that truly delve into the 20th century. Getting to (re)read Ender's Game (for a class, nonetheless) is like a prayer answered. Man cannot live on Milton/Shakespeare/Chaucer/Wordsworth/Keats/Tennyson/Wilde alone!

Actually, many of my peers would probably argue that last point.

I need to pump out some new short stories but the end of the month. It might be my shining moment of publication. Yes, it's by the UCF literary journal. But that's better than nothing, dammit.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about keeping up the writing. I should start pumping out stuff once schools over in a week. Let me know if you get something pulished, something is better than nothing.
